If your business is being impacted by “social” in some way shape or form, then this should be significant goal for you as you take on the challenges change brings. We’re past the theory now. Teaching still plays an important role. Strategy is not optional. Implementation is where the rubber hits the road. Everything you plan on doing this year should move the needle somehow. Moving the needle can take various forms:
Something launched
Consensus was achieved
Money was made
Money was saved
Time was saved
Time was well spent
Innovation happened
Something was built
Opinions changed (for the benefit of your business)
Good things were said about you
People were helped
A situation was improved
Your product shipped
You changed the industry
You changed yourself
You made a difference
The difference you made mattered
Think about what you need to move the needle this year. Hint: it’s bigger than Facebook followers and Twitter retweets. Good business means doing something valuable. You only know this if you’ve moved the needle and others have felt the effect of your efforts.
Original Post: http://darmano.typepad.com/logic_emotion/2011/01/its-time-to-move-the-needle.html