by: John Winsor
After writing a lot about community in both Spark and here on theblog, I’ve been wondering what’s the latest state of brands and how the interact with communities by asking a couple of questions on Twitter.
1. "What brands have created the best communities around them?" Within a few hours I got about 50 answers. Here’s the top 10:
1. Harley Davidson
2. Obama
3. Lego
4. Nike
5. Threadless
6. P&G
7. Dell
8. Starbucks
9. Whole Foods
10. Trader Joe’s
2. "What makes a great community?" And, again the Top 10?
1. self-generating (do stuff)
2. belonging (feel part of group)
3. identity (stand for something)
4. experiences (bring people together)
5. a great cause
6. working to a shared goal
7. feedback & recognition
8. ease of participation
9. respect
10. love of and interest in a common goal
I’d love to get your thoughts, as well. Either leave a comment here or tweet me @jtwinsor.
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