by: David Armano
Next Thursday I’ll be giving a talk MG Fest (Motion Graphic Festival) in Chicago. It’s a great opportunity to talk about one of my true passions, using visuals in the thinking and communicating process. The talk will be a 20 minute "Ted style" presentation (which is why the number of slides is under 25). Below is how I’ve framed it:
"Effective communication is everyone’s job—whether you are trying to sell in a concept or convince a client. Visual Thinking can help us take in complex information and synthesize it into something meaningful. In an increasingly fragmented and cluttered world, simple imagery, metaphors and mindmaps can get people to understand the abstract and make your ideas tangible. Find out why why thinking visually may be one of the most sought after abilities of the 21st century."
Though I do quite a bit of talking/writing etc. about the intersection of marketing, design and technology—I really enjoy the process of thinking visually. Chances are, it’s why you started reading this blog in the first place. If you are new here, you can browse a fairly comprehensive collection of my own "brand" of visual thinking which I’ve created over the past 3 years. The presentation reflects my own process as opposed to the "right way" to think visually. So if you like what I do, at a high level, the presentation actually outlines HOW I do it.
Do you have a functioning brain and at least one working eye? Then you can do it too. If you are really willing to work at it, and not give up. I still have a few days before the presentation so if you have feedback, feel free to leave a comment here and I’ll take a look.
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