by: Alain Thys
Last week "I Am the Media" (see below) crossed the 50,000 views mark on Slideshare. This was nice. Still, it was also an opportunity for me to really look at it again, and I came to the conclusion that my thinking on the topic of social media, conversations, word-of-mouth, marketing communication and storytelling has progressed so much that I almost wanted to take it down. Not that I disagree with my earlier statements, they just feel "increadibly incomplete".
Still, rather than hide in my cave, I’ve decided to do an overhaul which will probably take me a few months to put together, yet should really recapture the spirit of "I Am the Media" A.D. 2009. Still, not to do it too much in isolation I would like to invite anyone who wants to shoot me ideas, thoughts, models or approaches they feel should be included in this. Whether you do this through commenting on this blog, mailing me at "info – at – futurelab – dot – net" or dancing the lambada in front of our office is up to you.
I can’t promise I’ll actually include what you suggest (I am stubborn after all), yet anything that does get used of course gets fully credited.
I look forward to hear from you!