Net Promoter Score: The Barack Obama of the Management World

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The Net Promoter Score is the Barack Obama of the management world.

I’ll explain: According to what I’ve read, Barack Obama has received a free pass in the press. So does NPS.

Although management observers/bloggers like Tom Peters and Joe Jaffe have lauded the methodology, few seem to look at the ROI of implementing the methodology, despite the fact that it costs hundreds of thousands of dollars (if not millions) to implement.

This is mind boggling. While CFOs shake CMOs down to calculate the ROI of every last cent of marketing spend, it’s apparently OK to spend big bucks on a consultant to set up a NPS methodology, and have employees spend countless hours collecting and analyzing results (as if that all came for free).

Well, from other things I’ve read, Barack Obama’s free pass is supposedly coming to an end. I think the same will happen to NPS.

Image via flickr

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