by: danah boyd
I was last in DC, I had lunch with Daniel Solove and we were talking
about book publishing. He had been thinking of making his book
downloadable under Creative Commons and I was like DO IT DO IT! This is
the kind of book that is sooo relevant so many different audiences who
would never hear about it through traditional advertising. My thought
is that if it were available online, it could whet folks appetite
before buying it
(cuz printing it out is painful and reading it online is not wonderful
either and your Kindle doesn’t support PDFs). Introducing…
This book examines the darker side of personal expression and
communication online, looking at some of the social costs of what I’m
always rambling on about as “persistence, searchability, replicability,
and invisible audiences.” Our reputation is one of our greatest assets.
What happens when our own acts or the acts of others sully that? What
role does the technology play in enabling or stopping that? How should
the law modernize its approach to privacy and slander to address the
networked world?
While this book is written by a professor, it’s written in extremely
accessible manner and should be devoured by parents, marketers,
technologists, teachers, HR professionals, policy makers, and anyone
else who might have a stake in the world of reputation. I also found
excerpts helpful for students who are trying to make sense of the costs
of their practices. Oh, and it’s a fun read.
If you hate reading from the screen, just go and buy the book. The author and his publisher will thank you.
(Oh, and go Yale University Press! You’re batting well in the CC/open-access publishing baseball game!)
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