Australian Education.AU seminar talks

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by: Danah Boyd

Earlier this month, I had the great fortune to go to Australia as a seminar speaker for Education.AU. Everyone warned me that it was winter and would be frigid, but to my delight, the weather in Melbourne and Brisbane was not any colder than a San Francisco summer day. I didn't get to see much of Australia (saving the 'roos for next time), but I did have a fantastic time. The people were wonderful, the food was delicious (go Melbourne), and it was just so great to be around so many folks invested in education who were not afraid of technology.

To my delight, there are recordings of my talks available for those of you who couldn't make it. There are lots of recordings cuz there was a LOT of me. In fact, I think I talked continuously for four days… many hours of which are on tape for your viewing/listening pleasure. The general topic was "Generation MySpace" and I was talking about social network sites, education, and learning. I did two keynotes, two sets of questions and answers, two panels, and a fireside chat (on top of lots of press and more 1-1 and small group conversations). Here are links of some of those pieces:

Keynote, Day 2, Melbourne

Keynote, Day 1, Brisbane, Part 1
Keynote, Day 1, Brisbane, Part 2
Keynote, Day 1, Brisbane, Part 3
Q&A, Day 1, Brisbane, Part 1
Q&A, Day 1, Brisbane, Part 2
Q&A, Day 1, Brisbane, Part 3
Panel, Day 1, Brisbane, Part 1
Panel, Day 1, Brisbane, Part 2
Panel, Day 1, Brisbane, Part 3
Keynote, Day 2, Melbourne, Part 1
Keynote, Day 2, Melbourne, Part 2

Personally, I liked my Day 2 keynote better (cuz I thought I was funnier) but your mileage may vary.

[More will come when I find all of the links.]

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