by: Alain Thys
We know from our log-files that – together with half of Madison Avenue – the agency handling the Nike account regularly reads this blog. Well guys, wake up !!
There is a nice consumer evangelism project being run by a Al Cabino from Canada, to encourage Nike for bringing the Back to the Future sneaker back to the market (as worn by Michael J.Fox in the movie with the same name).
From my former life at Reebok I can tell that if 16,500 petitions he has already collected are indicative of sales, this should ample to profitably cover production minimums.
Add to this the PR value (story of listening to the consumer, photoshot of Cabino in a Delorean, YouTube documentary about Cabino’s mission) and you have a campaign that could just make the blogosphere explode.
Come on … give us something to write about !!!