Business Networking That Doesn't Suck

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by: Karl Long A small Seattle based business networking site started by Dan McComb, it focuses on encouraging F2F networking, and referring business. One of the very interesting aspects of this is that “good behavior” like referring people business gets you kudos and builds your reputation.

Hmm, imagine that, rewarding people for behavior you want to encourage, sounds revolutionary. Well I’m being facetious, but it’s amazing how many web sites and especially community web sites that fail to reward the right behavior.

Biznik is pretty small right now, and I hope that they can grow and still maintain the good vibe. Right now it’s a lot of Seattle folks, but the model is just waiting to get taken into other cities.

Along the same lines, well at least social networking that claims not to suck, but without my own opinion of it, i’ve recently heard about collectiveX a “group-focused professional social network” tool. TechCrunch says, “CollectiveX is what LinkedIn should have been.”