Guy Kawasaki – Goodson Does Lunchtime Chats

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by: Scott Goodson

In 1999, when I set out to start StrawberryFrog, I formed an advisory board – a non-executive board – that helped our fledging agency navigate the cross-cutting implications of the evolving marketing world.

On this board included Uli Weisendanger, the ‘W’ and co-founder of TWBA who I had met in Brazil; Rien Van Diren, a former head of the Aurthur Anderson and the Dutch Tax Authority who I had met through the industry; Padrig O’curry who I had met a decade earlier in Sweden; Don Parker, a premier US HR consultant, and Anne Marie Marcus CEO of Marcus St. Jean. In addition to this extraordinary group of people was one important person for me who acted as an advisor. Guy Kawasaki.

He was an inspirational source of energy (the original kind of Obama-energy) that literally kicked me into getting off my duff and starting StrawberryFrog almost ten years ago. His book "Rules for Revolutionaries" was my bible. He went on to write a series of other books, he is the consummate and exuberant blogger and an infectious and relentless Twitterite. His following is matched by few.

So today’s Lunchtime chat is with Guy.

1. Tell me about your career?

I was Apple’s second software evangelist, and people have given me too much
credit for Macintosh evangelism way back then. Since then, I’ve been an
entrepreneur, venture capitalist, writer, and speaker.

2. What have been the highlights-works, people, experiences?

Macintosh, Garage, and have been my career highlights. I proof
that if you do one thing well, you can coast for a long time.

3.What are your regrets?

I wish I learned how to play hockey when I was young.

4.What defines you?

I want to help people change the world.

5. What are you up to now?

I work mostly on Garage Technology Ventures deals and I also
recently published a new book called Reality Check.

6. Five years from now?

I don’t know what I’ll be doing five weeks from now much less five years.

7.Who are your heroes/ who inspires you?

Joe Thornton of the San Jose Sharks. I love how he helps other people score.

8. What advice would you give to agency world?

They should try selling a product instead of helping others sell their
product. It’s a whole different world from being an agency.

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