Bruce Nussbaum's Innovation Gym

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by: David Armano

I recently had a chance to catch up with BusinessWeek’s Bruce Nussbaum who was a good enough sport to go ahead and share a his "innovation gym" story with us on video.  

What I like about  Bruce is that he’s not afraid to stir up the pot. Apparently, he caused a bit a scene at BusinessWeek by taking down photos of CEO’s in order to put up imagery that would stimulate his staff as they worked on the inaugural issue of INside Innovation.

The video clip is only two minutes long and I suggest you watch it. Bruce obviously peppers in a bit of humor as he reflects upon his experience trying to create his own version of innovation INside the historic walls of the McGraw Hill building—but I’ll bet you one thing. I bet you have a story just like this. Maybe even a couple. If that’s the case—you’re doing something right.

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