Some Random Thoughts on the Biz

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by: David Polinchock

Had some quick thoughts this morning while in the shower and I thought that I would share them with you.

  • Consumer generated media is created by people with a real passion for the brand. Advertising generated media is created by people who get paid. Passion will always create something better then money! Maybe it’s time for agencies to become passionate again.
  • The advertising model is about putting your message everywhere in order to get me to hear your story. The experience model is about creating compelling, authentic & relevant experiences in order to get me engaged in your story.
  • If 2007 is the year of the consumer being in control, then why do we still get excited about advertising vehicles that the consumer can’t turn off? (Like advertising in the bins at the security line at airports.)  

    So what do you guys think? Agree or disagree? Any thoughts to build on what I’ve said? Don’t be shy now!

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