Eons 50 Plus Boomer Online Trends For 2006

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by: Dick Stroud

Eons has been analysing it web stats and published some interesting insights into how people used their web site during 2006.  You can download the press release from here.

I have experimented with converting the press release into a Google hosted video presentation – NOT successfully. It gives a feel of what the press release is about but Google’s video compression renders it useless. If you want to see a legible version of the video you can watch it from here.

Nearly forgot – what was the bottom line of the press release?

Boomers want to keep/get fit and travel. The number of members of the group for 50+ singles is eight times larger than the one for becoming a spiritual adult. Why does that not surprise me?

If anybody from eons reads this blog – why not release your next report in a video format and save me the time of creating one?

Original post: http://www.20plus30.com/blog/2007/01/eons-50-plus-boomer-online-trends-for.html