The Ten Most Read Futurelab Articles in 2006

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by: Alain Thys

It’s the season to make lists and hitparades, so to end the year we’ll do our bit as well.  According to Google Analytics, here’s a list of the ten most read articles since the launch of this blog on March 5th, 2006. It’s an interesting mix, which for me, is also a testimony to the way the Long Tail seems to be working.

Over the same period we generated a total of 175,588 article reads, which were spread over 1,198 articles or an average of 146 reads per post. I haven’t drawn the graph yet (tip for Google product development), but when I look at the numbers, it goes very steep and then very, very flat. I guess this this tells the story quite nicely :-).

So, here’s the list:

Enjoy the (re)-read.