internet is just the world passing notes in a classroom

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by: Lynette Webb

Click image to enlarge.

Sasha’s great quote ( inspired me to delve around the archives of a few online quote libraries to see if there were any others I’d missed. This is another I found which I love – besides the fact that I adore Jon Stewart, it’s a simple but strong analogy for the power of viral email… the same way rumours spread like wildfire around a school, so now they do via the internet on a global scale.

Quote from
Image from Flickr CC thanks to sp00kus
(I tried for ages to find a picture of ‘passing notes’ in the back of class like we did when I was growing up to no avail… I guess it’s all by SMS now so no-one’s taking pictures! So I settled for this as to me it captures the spirit of the point, even if it’s not a literal illustration.)