Who Ever Said Bankers Weren't Creative?

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by: Alain Thys

It's a few months old (yet only just discovered ;-), but if you liked Epic 2014 predicting the merger of Amazon and Google, you'll probably like this one too.  Written late last year by Sean Park – Head of Digital Markets and Credit Flow products at Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein (DrKW) these few minutes in flash speculate on what could happen if the likes of Google, Amazon and Ebay would set their eyes on the financial markets.

As usual with these things, you shouldn't take the statements too literally, especially in the short term, yet when looking 3-5 years out, some of the predictions Sean is making do provide food for thought.

In this I think the guys at Dresdner do deserve a very big applause for putting this on their home page and this way launch what must be one of the more innovative buzz campaigns in the investment banking business (even though they couldn't resist the legal disclaimer ).

PS. Thanks to Tim Lunn for pointing this out !