Exotics, Rare Birds, and Concept Turds | Let's Play Name That Car

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I have such passion for 70s culture and it’s been stoked by a blog called We Love You So. 70s was my youth. Farah and the Bee Gees and Richard Pryor and NYC trips to the Meat Packing and of course Lou Reed and Frank Zapa.

So what does Bjorn Borg, Bob Marley and Johnny Cash have in common? Their images and a bunch of other iconic shots from yesteryear are all making impacts on a really cool site called The Selvedge Yard.

The Selvedge Yar is a rare bird in the image-based world of our current beloved internet.

With so many extraordinary places to see and so many wonderful things to look at these days we are often left wanting more information from our bookmarks – the story behind the picture as was rightly pointed out on "We Love You So" (thanks) – yet find ourselves with nothing to go on but a google search and a hollow Wikipedia entry.

Original Post: http://scottgoodson.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/12/exotics-rare-birds-and-concept-turds-lets-play-name-that-car.html